Gold Loan

Whenever you are in urgent need of cash, Gold Loans are a perfect choice. The Okkal Service Co-operative Bank offers loan against gold ornaments - a scheme designed to provide loan against pledged gold ornaments which is ideal to meet your immediate requirement of cash.Interest amount will be calculated on the daily outstanding balance in the loan account The applicant is required to repay the loan in 12 months from the date of loan sanctioning. And you can borrow Minimum Rs. 100 to Maximum Rs.50,00,000.

  • Gold Loans Up to Rs.5000000.
  • Interest Rate 9.25%.
  • Pay interest only for the exact period of loan,and to the exact number of days.
  • Complete safety of Jewels.

The salient features of our Gold Loan service are as follows:

  • Simple and easy procedures with minimum documentation
  • Quick disbursal of loan
  • Options to repay the loan on an installment basis
  • Seperate Counter Facility for Gold Loan
  • High security with strong room and CCTV

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